1. Tom Buitelaar, 2023, Assisting International Justice: Cooperation Between UN Peacekeepers and the International Criminal Court in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Peer-reviewed articles
1. Tom Buitelaar, 2024, “Discourse change in international organizations: How UN peace operations respond to global normative change and shifting power distributions,” Contemporary Security Policy (online first).
2. Tom Buitelaar, 2024, “Leadership Agency in UN Peace Operations,” International Peacekeeping (online first).
3. Tom Buitelaar, 2024, “Human Security and Accountability in the Central African Republic: A Bridge Half-Crossed.” Journal of International Peacekeeping 27(1): 115-149.
4. Tom Buitelaar, 2023, “Just Leaves in the Wind: Using Agent-Level Factors to Explain Variation in Human Rights Promotion Strategies,” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (online first).
5. Tom Buitelaar and Niels van Willigen, 2021, “Vredesmissies in een geopolitieke context: Welke rol voor Nederland?,” De Militaire Spectator (in Dutch)
6. Tom Buitelaar and Gisela Hirschmann, 2021, “Criminal accountability at what cost? Norm conflict, UN peace operations and the International Criminal Court,” European Journal of International Relations 27(2): 548-571.
7. Tom Buitelaar, 2018, “Blue Helmets and Black Robes: The Cooperation Between Peacekeepers and International Criminal Tribunals,” St. Antony’s International Review 14(1): 53-82.
8. Tom Buitelaar, 2016, “The ICC and the Prevention of Atrocities: Criminological Perspectives,” Human Rights Review 17(3): 285-302.
9. Tom Buitelaar, 2015, “De luchtverdediging van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht, 1967-1980,” De Militaire Spectator (in Dutch)
Book chapters
1. Tom Buitelaar and Sam Daws, 2018, “The election and distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council,” in: Manuel Fröhlich and Abiodun Williams (eds.), The UN Secretary-General and the Security Council: A Dynamic Relationship (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 232-248.
2. Tom Buitelaar and Richard Ponzio, 2018, “Mobilizing Smart Coalitions and Negotiating Global Governance Reform,” in: William Durch, Joris Larik and Richard Ponzio (eds.), Just Security in an Undergoverned World (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 463-487.
Reports and policy briefs
1. Tom Buitelaar, 2022, “UN-ICC Cooperation: Walking a Tightrope,” Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
2. Tom Buitelaar, Joris Larik, Aaron Matta and Bart de Vos, 2016, “The EU’s new global strategy: Its implementation in a troubled environment,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
3. Tom Buitelaar, 2016, “The challenges of the UN Secretary-General’s appointment process for the relationship with the UN Security Council,” ACUNS & One World Trust’s “1 for 7 billion” campaign.
4. Tom Buitelaar, Richard Ponzio, Thom Almeida and Franca Koenig, 2016, “Afghanistan and its international partners: The road ahead,” Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law.
Book reviews
1. Tom Buitelaar, 2025, “Advocacy and Change in International Organizations: Communication, Protection, and Reconstruction in UN Peacekeeping, by Kseniya Oksamytna,” Global Governance.
2. Tom Buitelaar, 2023, “Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations: edited by Han Dorussen, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2022, 408 pp.,£ 190 (hardcover), ISBN 9781839109928,” International Peacekeeping.
1. Tom Buitelaar, December 2024. “How International Interveners Cooperate: The UN and the International Criminal Court.” Multilateralism in Action.
2. Tom Buitelaar, January 2024. “Bringing Humans Back In: Agency and Structure in Peace and Conflict Studies.” Civil War Paths Building Bridges blog.
3. Tom Buitelaar, January 2022, “Promoting Accountability for War Crimes: Should UN Peacekeepers be Involved?,” The Dutch UN Association (NVVN).
4. Tom Buitelaar, September 2021, “How Individuals Matter in UN Peacekeeping Human Rights Policy,” Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa.
5. Tom Buitelaar, David den Dunnen and Diego Salama, June 2020, “The impact of the corona virus on UN peacekeeping at the field, state, and global level,” Leiden University.
6. Tom Buitelaar, Joris Larik and Aaron Matta, July 2016, “The Dutch EU Presidency achievements: The EU Global Strategy in times of growing uncertainty and insecurity,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
7. Tom Buitelaar and Johanna Ospina, June 2016, “A clash between principles and politics? The outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
8. Tom Buitelaar and Richard Ponzio, February 2016, “Give Afghans the peace they deserve,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
9. Tom Buitelaar and Aaron Matta, October 2015, “Do all roads lead to Rome? Why Ukraine resorts to declarations rather than ratification of the Rome Statute,” Opinio Juris.
10. Tom Buitelaar, September 2015, “International law and post-conflict reconstruction policy symposium: Tailoring justice for mass atrocities: Response to Annika Jones,” International Law Observer Blog.
11. Tom Buitelaar and Aaron Matta, July 2015, “Twenty years after Srebrenica, diverging narratives are an obstacle to reconciliation,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
12. Tom Buitelaar, July 2015, “The Independent Commission of Inquiry’s Gaza Report: Implications for the ICC,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
13. Tom Buitelaar, January 2015, “International criminal justice in Ukraine,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
14. Tom Buitelaar and Jill Coster van Voorhout, July 2014, “South Sudan: Allegations of missing Dutch €500 million and the facts,” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
15. Tom Buitelaar, May 2014, “The crisis in South Sudan: What might be done?” The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
16. Tom Buitelaar, February 2014, “Lastenverdeling bij de NAVO in tijden van economische crisis,” IBMAG (in Dutch).
1. Tom Buitelaar en Welmoet Wels, september 2023, “Laten we waken voor pessimisme en cynisme over Nederlandse missies.” De Volkskrant (in Dutch.)
2. Tom Buitelaar en Aaron Matta, mei 2015, “Internationaal Strafhof is geen wondermiddel,” De Volkskrant (in Dutch).